Friday, May 28, 2010

Net Gen

Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott has been on this generation since he wrote Growing-up Digital  in 1997.  (way) Back then most people were using a primitive Internet based on the programming language-HTML. It was about viewing content. The young ones though were using the Web to communicate with friends-which became the core of Web2.0.
That was then, now they have grown.  Tapscott surveyed more than 11,000 young people and reveals the results, such as, how the brain of Net Generation processes information (something I am very interested in). Also he reveals seven characteristics the Generation  as well as seven guidelines for educators to tap the Net Gen potential.
If you want to meet the future, this is the read!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! 1997. I think my head was gearing up for the year 2000 and whether there would still be a world. The heck with HTML.
